Saturday, April 24, 2010

Songwriting philosophy and life

April 24, 2010
Today I woke up in a funk - I received an friend request on FB from an old college buddy, who had gotten his master's degree and was now a professor at a university teaching voice. I immediately felt insecure, like I could have that, rather than all the struggles I've gone through as an artist and songwriter. But I realized, I never wanted that - that's why I didn't continue in school and get my masters - I didn't want to be a professor, I've always wanted to be a performer, a working musician. So I have to refocus my energy into the here and now and remember what I came here for - to live my music. I enjoy teaching, but my real passion is in writing and performing. So many people give up their dream so they can have "security", but I wonder if it's really security if you're not in the center of your being. Make sense? I have to keep on my mission of writing daily to connect with my spiritual Source and be centered. I have to remember who I am, what my passion is, and act on that...I will write later today and blog about it..


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